Under his leadership in 20 years the commission managed to pave 222 streets, a large majority of streets of the contemporary Polish capital.
The commission now also manages parks on the mainland.
She charged commission on all transactions managed through her nodes, Jian remembered: no wonder she's worried.
The commission manages some 400 monuments on behalf of the secretary of state.
Also the commission managed to keep the system rigged to the Labour party eh?
In doing so, the commission has managed to trespass on the First Amendment and call into question the agency's sense of priorities.
Some of its forests are pine trees which the commission manages and carefully cuts down trees for wood and paper making.
The commission will manage, for example, the allocation of radio and television frequencies, a critical resource for Iraq.
A presidential commission last year called it "fragmented, loosely managed and poorly coordinated."
This way, the commission could manage an inquiry and then deliver a sentence and be able to subpoena testimony.