So far, this year, the commission has levied $183,600 in fines, almost half of it for late filings.
It plans to double the commission's size and increase the ceiling on fines the commission can levy.
Last year the commission levied about 944 million euros ($1.11 billion) in antitrust fines.
In that case, the commission did not levy a fine against the affiliates.
Among the most important duties of the county commission is levying taxes and appropriations.
During the last six months of 1987, the commission revoked five liquor licenses, suspended 80 others and levied 105 fines totalling nearly $40,000, records show.
Public censure is the second most serious penalty the commission can levy.
The commission could have levied more serious sanctions, including removal from the bench.
In yesterday's testimony Mr. Kantor refused to say whether the commissions should levy trade sanctions.
The commission regards such moves as an evasion and is levying fines of $10,000 a day.