Mr. Biersack added that the commission did not normally function this way, at least not in public.
For more than two decades the commission functioned as a politically independent watchdog.
Some presidential boards, committees, and commissions function organizationally as subunits of the White House Office.
At present, the commission is functioning under article 242 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The commission functioned as the first government Ministry of Education in a European country.
The change essentially shifts workers from one payroll to another, and shows how the commissions have often functioned as extra payrolls.
Chaired by former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, this congressionally mandated commission functioned from 1999 to 2003.
We're definitely not happy with the way the commission is functioning.
The commission also functions as an educational resource by conducting research, producing publications, and providing conferences and workshops.
Of the 1,000 or so judges who Mr. Koppell said responded to his survey, "more than a majority," he acknowledged, reported "that the commission functioned well."