The commission of inquiry eventually exonerated Leopold of the charges and he was able, in 1950, to return to Belgium and resume his reign.
The French cycling federation's disciplinary commission exonerated Casper.
A commission of inquiry exonerated him and he received honours from universities and learned societies.
The commission essentially exonerated Mr. Reagan and blamed his chief of staff, Donald T. Regan, for not keeping the president informed.
A royal commission into railway bridges exonerated Whitton of the charges of faulty design and of using inferior materials.
The commission ordered at least five priests removed from the ministry, exonerated others and recommended the establishment of the nine-member board to rule on complaints from then on.
In 1946, a commission of inquiry exonerated Leopold of treason.
The commission of enquiry exonerated Brigadier Lothar De La Rey with a verdict of 'No Guilt'.
Later, an episcopal commission completely exonerated her.
Two weeks later, a Government-appointed commission exonerated the police, claiming they had fired at the crowd because their lives were at risk.