By 1986, the commission had evaluated 3,700 properties, finding 900 worth including on the state's historic register.
Under the new system, the commission will evaluate the report and call for revisions, a process that could take 18 months or more.
Mr. Brown endorsed the idea of having a commission to monitor, review and evaluate the Police Department's internal affairs bureau.
But the commission has not evaluated the Congressional auditors' methods and cannot explain the differences, he said.
Each commission shall evaluate a boxer's ring record, medical records, recent knockout losses, consecutive losses.
Other officials said the commission was monitoring the polonium drama overseas and evaluating the need for tighter controls.
The commission, a private organization created in 1951 to improve health care through voluntary accreditation, evaluates 80 percent of the nation's hospitals.
To assess tributes, a commission evaluated the expenses and revenues of each satrap.
A commission established in 2006 evaluated higher education, but its recommendations have yet to be fully implemented.
The commission then evaluates its historical and architectural significance and makes a recommendation to the City Council.