Schwab's commissions dropped 37 percent from a year ago and its overall revenue fell 24 percent, to $1.07 billion.
In response, the commission dropped the recommendation.
The commission drops sharply in subsequent years in both New York and other states, often to 7.5 percent of the annual premium.
The nuclear commission even threatened to shut down the reactors unless emergency preparations were improved, but later dropped the threat.
But the commission dropped the requirement in 1970, when it suspected that hospitals were performing the procedure at random simply to meet the quota.
The commission dropped the case after concluding that the loan was permissible.
Mr. Daggett suggested that the commission should drop the word "development" from its title and replace it with "environmental."
But the exchange withdrew its objections when the commission dropped a demand that the quarterly results be audited.
Then computers were installed so that orders could be executed electronically, and his commissions dropped below the cost of leasing a seat.
In July, the commission dropped the plan.