A government-appointed commission convened briefly this week to investigate whether senior members of the governing political party, the African National Congress, spied for the former apartheid government.
The commissions did not convene until early 1989, but some commission heads were given responsibilities immediately.
Mr. Aziz's comments in Baghdad came as the commission convened a two-day meeting at the United Nations to review new monitoring operations.
The bilateral commission convened on 30 April 2009 and 10 December 2009.
But once the commission convenes, it has the power to redraw any of the lines anywhere in the city.
The commission hastily convened hearings in January 1999 in Washington.
The commission convened from 16 January 1991 until 5 July 1991, during which fifty seven meetings were held and thirty seven witnesses were heard.
Before unveiling the town plans to the public Wednesday evening, the governor's commission convened a group of casino owners.
Though the elections are not until May, the group is hoping to have its system in place by the time the commission next convenes on March 18.
In December, the commission convened a National Forum on Youth at Risk, which sounded the same caution.