Some commission, I believe, that is at this moment a secret known only to himself.
The commission apparently believes that the 10-to-1 nag never wins at the track.
With just 25 percent having to turn up second time round, the electoral commission believed the threshold would be easily cleared.
"The commission believes nobody should be sent to prison for taking drugs," he says.
Furthermore, the commission believed that energy prices would double without the use of nuclear energy.
But he said the commission believed that the Government should not build or repair any more public housing.
Some were disappointed, expecting names of people and organizations the commission believed had been lax.
The commission believes this would make New York government more representative and responsive.
"I can't believe the 9/11 commission would somehow believe that the historical value was not relevant."
"The commission believes that growing in the ways we've grown have been too costly," he said.