Last year, the commission barred him from selling products through infomercials.
But that decision runs afoul of a high court ruling that said the commission may not bar Mr. Abubakar, despite the corruption charges.
In addition to the fines, the commission barred the utility from placing "in any operational position" three officials who were top-level managers at the plant in 1987.
The commission barred investment bankers from handling a city's bonds if they had contributed to any of its financial officials in the two years before the bond sale.
The commission found in favor of AGIE and barred Sodick's machine tools from the United States.
In 1989, the commission barred Mr. Aylsworth from the fund industry.
The commission also barred four KPMG accountants, two of whom are still with the firm, from auditing public companies.
The decision came less than a week after the commission - ruling on a technicality - barred the party from the Dec. 17 elections.
When the election was repeated two weeks later, the local electoral commission barred Topal from running, citing irregularities in his filing papers.
In January 1998, the commission fined Plumacher $5,000 and barred him from acting as a director or officer of QuesTec or any public company for eight years.