On 15 January 2010 Iraq's electoral commission banned 499 candidates, mostly Sunni Muslims, from the election due to alleged links with the Ba'ath Party.
In addition to imposing a retirement age for cabs, the commission banned the common practice of converting used cars for taxi use.
In recent weeks the commission has banned one march in Belfast and shortened another.
In June 2005, the Football Association announced that an independent disciplinary commission had banned Gottskálksson from football indefinitely for failing to take that drugs test.
The court said the commission could ban indecent speech only during daytime hours.
At the same time, understanding that there was no honor among thieves, the commissions banned the privateers, "upon pain of death without mercy," from interfering with British ships.
The commission banned the bank from underwriting IPOs in Hong Kong for nine months.
The commission would ban from jobs those with a felony conviction within the previous 10 years.
The commission would also ban contract provisions that give haulers of commercial waste a permanent entitlement to garbage pickups at specific businesses or sites.
The commission, a holdover from the Stroessner era, banned the play here in 1975.