But they must be used to show the daily news program of 10 minutes interspersed with four 30-second commercial spots.
As a child actor, Hack appeared in her first commercial spot when she was eight months old.
The station did not begin to sell commercial spots until after its fifth year of operation.
The number of episodes increased, as did the show's budget and the charge for commercial spots.
The groups have also bought 100 commercial spots on two radio stations in the Albany area.
Fox says it has sold out all 58 of its 30-second commercial spots at $325,000 each.
It has a long version of the entire song with a music video and a shorter one for commercial spots on television.
And I've got them to air my commercial spots around the clock.
"You'll take a $300 to $700 hit, but that's cheaper than $1,000 a month for a commercial spot."
We'll be coming to your location after the next commercial spot.