The British lost control of the Suez Canal and withdrew from the naval dockyard, transforming it for commercial shipbuilding and ship repair purposes.
Exporting the major portion of our commercial shipbuilding exacerbates the problem.
From a country rich in naval architecture through its commercial shipbuilding, Japanese experts have turned their attention to sailboats.
Size has gradually become the guiding principle in commercial and naval shipbuilding.
Those who select the workplace can pick forestry, telecommunications, commercial shipbuilding, a range of health professions and other careers.
In recent years, commercial shipbuilding has suffered steep declines.
First on the list, and the test case for the president's effort, is a loan guarantee program designed to encourage commercial shipbuilding.
Military shipyards have generally failed miserably in commercial shipbuilding, racking up cost overruns and defaults.
Following WWII the yard resumed private and commercial shipbuilding.
The Federal Government quit subsidizing commercial shipbuilding in the early 1980's.