In these fields, as in superconductivity, development work is considered too expensive for a single company and commercial payoffs are far in the future.
With the human genome data, there are much higher stakes in terms of intellectual credit for a landmark achievement and the prospect of a huge commercial payoff.
Although the human genome is a gold mine in principle, it is unclear exactly where the commercial payoff will come.
With its human embryonic stem cells and its telomerase gene, Geron has acquired two scientifically fascinating properties, though of course commercial payoff may be years away.
There's reason to try targeting research in areas with a clear commercial payoff, requiring business to put up some of its cash and personnel.
"We should go for things like information highways and high-speed rail that have the potential of a commercial payoff and technological spinoff," Mr. Kuttner said.
But last week, this crusade by Brewster Kahle had a big commercial payoff.
The study, the authors say, suggests that the commercial payoff for the government's support for basic research and development in the life sciences is greater than previously thought.
After a decade of research and testing, the commercial payoff from genetic engineering is finally within sight.
He said such knowledge resulted from considerable money and effort, which would not be expended without the lure of a commercial payoff.