The second and third floors will be used for commercial lofts, while floors 4 through 11 will have lofts of about 3,500 square feet each.
Old commercial lofts have become studios, apartments and galleries.
I realized: there's only one firehouse on that street and few buildings that contain tiny apartments rather than commercial lofts.
By the late 1800s, larger commercial lofts became the dominant building type and in the 1950s artists began to move into studio spaces.
It is amazing how many paranormal manifestations take place in tract houses, commercial lofts, and trailer parks.
The third and sixth floors of the warehouse, which house commercial lofts used by about 30 tenants, remained sealed yesterday.
Now a co-op, it has commercial, residential and light industrial lofts.
Instead they inhabited old commercial lofts illegally, hiding their mattresses in ingenious ways in case a building inspector came to check on the premises.
Living in a Loft Question: Please tell me why it is illegal to live in a so-called commercial loft?
As for moving into a commercial loft, you can't do it, Mr. Rhine said, unless the building was legalized into a residence.