State governments requested citizens not put up Christmas lights, with Oregon banning Christmas as well as commercial lighting altogether.
HSL may soon become an option for commercial interior lighting.
Lovins reckons that by improving the efficiency of lighting, especially commercial lighting, the US could save a quarter of the electricity it uses.
Lamps in this class are potentially the most energy-efficient light source for outdoor, commercial and industrial lighting.
Other names of a less complimentary nature were applied to him, even though his lamp were actually in use, and the principle of commercial incandescent lighting had been established.
Opponents of light pollution say conventional commercial lighting needlessly directs light up and out, assaulting the eye and creating a glow that obscures the stars.
Commercial sector: this includes mainly space heating, and cooling, as well as commercial and office lighting.
He became a businessman in that city specializing in commercial and industrial lighting and was general manager of Modern Lighting Company there.
Dysprosium is used, in conjunction with vanadium and other elements, in making laser materials and commercial lighting.
In 1933 in the United States, Westinghouse announced a dual-filament lamp for commercial lighting and a smaller lamp for residential use.