The percentage lease is now a standard practice in commercial leasing across the United States.
The shrinking market in both residential sales and commercial leasing and development have cut the numbers of people in every segment of the industry.
And there are pockets of vibrancy even in commercial leasing.
Many are now expiring and dozens of boards are grappling for the first time with the complex world of commercial leasing.
"But commercial leasing is constantly changing," he said.
The space was bought from the building by Walter & Samuels Inc., a firm that handles sales, management and commercial leasing.
At various times, films were exhibited at Tremont Temple, though commercial leasing ended in 1956.
Service offerings include apartment rentals, corporate/temporary housing, real estate development and commercial leasing.
"Asian students had said that there is no place for them to have dessert," said George Giaquinto, the university's director of commercial leasing.
TerreMark Partners of Atlanta has signed on to handle the commercial leasing efforts.