Each document received from commercial espionage or government departments is retyped by the men in this room.
For this reason, genetic research was routinely con- ducted in secret: in part to cloak it from commercial espionage; but primarily to protect the researchers from public vilification.
Maybe commercial espionage is the only field left that pays.
How do we protect against government-conducted commercial espionage?
The recently established Cyber Command is currently debating whether such activities as commercial espionage or theft of intellectual property are criminal activities or actual "breaches of national security."
This television series stars Takuya Kimura as Fumio Kindaichi, a salaryman who gets fired from his company after he was accused of being involved in commercial espionage.
Mr. Hamed started in commercial espionage, following the activities of foreign companies in Iraq.
Military or commercial espionage.
The flare-up was prompted by the publication today of a report commissioned by the European Parliament 18 months ago, after initial allegations of commercial espionage.
THISTLE had served America once, and not through commercial espionage.