The terms of the loan are far better than those commercial borrowers receive.
A Semantic Nicety' Mr. Greenspan acknowledged today that some commercial borrowers were having a difficult time getting loans.
It's a repository of information, which contains the credit history of commercial and consumer borrowers.
The committee does not support the idea of pricing Credit too low for both the government and the commercial borrowers in public or Private Sector.
Hence, the committee suggested an upward revision of several rates of interest, both, for attracting deposits and for lending to commercial borrowers.
We will ensure that commercial borrowers are entitled to a full contract specifying the terms, conditions and duration of the services provided.
Their deepest concern is that a sharp fall in consumer spending could hurt many commercial borrowers, perhaps even leading to bankruptcies.
The biggest beneficiaries of the Fed's current rate reductions are commercial borrowers, as they always are in recessions.
Mortgage funds use investors' funds to extend short term gap financing, loans made to commercial borrowers secured by real estate.
Indeed, more and more commercial borrowers with sound credit ratings now bypass banks, preferring to issue and roll over short-term commercial paper.