Better Bees of Western Australia is a group of 8 commercial beekeepers.
Some commercial beekeepers alternate between pollination service and honey production but usually cannot do both at the same time.
Most commercial beekeepers are migratory, taking their hives to southern states for the winter.
The phenomenon is a real problem for commercial beekeepers in South Africa whose hives of African bees are destroyed.
He was one of the first commercial beekeepers in the San Diego area and had several hundred hives in various operations.
But do not underestimate the political tenacity of America's 2,000 commercial beekeepers.
Many commercial beekeepers use what is known as a migratory cover, a solid cover which does not extend beyond the sides of a hive body.
In the United States, about 1,600 commercial beekeepers and perhaps 200,000 hobbyists maintain about 3.5 million colonies, each with 50,000 bees.
Since commercial beekeepers often follow blooms across the country, mites soon overspread the continent.
Who cares that commercial and part-time beekeepers are having a hard time of it?