In 2004, the city's industrial and commercial base represented 24% of the city valuation-50% higher than the previous decade.
Due to current zoning, the area has virtually no industrial or commercial base.
Several organizations have been formed to revitalize the town's industrial and commercial base.
We don't have the commercial base to stand on our own two feet yet.
There was an argument which insisted they should have one commercial base for tax purposes.
At the bottom of the broad shaft, a skylight does the same for the commercial base.
The small commercial base of the village is based in farming and automobiles.
We knew that a strong commercial base was vital to the neighborhood's future stability.
"Property tax relief is a big issue and we want to counter it by building a stronger commercial base in the appropriate areas," he said.
In time, two 40-story towers will be built there above a five-story commercial base.