Snow swirled outside, on the wide commercial boulevard that bisects this little Union County town.
It then winds through the Romema neighborhood as a commercial and light-industrial four-lane divided boulevard.
Now a four-lane commercial boulevard, passing several strip malls along South Transit Road.
Shoe boxes littering the main commercial boulevard, where footwear, electronics and liquor stores were the most popular with looters.
Additional expansion established the final waterfront along a new commercial boulevard - West Steet - in 1830.
Hylan Boulevard, a major commercial boulevard, connects all the East Shore neighborhoods with each other.
The route remains four lanes, bending northwest and becomes a commercial boulevard, re-entering the town of Oyster Bay.
Breakfast in the Old City Pedestrian St. George Street is the main commercial boulevard of the city's historic district.
Only a few people moved along the walkways of this less commercial boulevard.