Almost all serious commentators have recognized that sentencing guideline systems will need regular review both to reflect changing community values and to provide a safety valve against prison overcrowding.
One commentator had recognized Ben Fremont and tried to drag him before a camera for an interview, but Fremont had not forgotten yesterday's instructions and had refused.
Horace (Ars poetica, 17) and the commentators on Virgil, such as Servius, recognize that descriptions of loci amoeni have become a rhetorical commonplace.
Biblical commentators have long recognized that the attempt to provide an ancestry for David was a main purpose for writing the book.
Later commentators recognized the contribution of the scientist and that his failures were due to indiscretion with his monies and criticism.
Early commentators recognised that the book is a kind of picaresque novel, and comparisons with Don Quixote were being made as early as 1638.
Analysts and commentators who write about customer experience and customer relationship management have increasingly recognized the importance of managing the customer's experience.
Various commentators have recognized the structure's ties to classical building, seeing it as a modern temple whose monumental simplicity evinces the immense skill behind its design and conception.
However, these same commentators also recognised that the scales are currently tipped against the victims of antitrust damages, and hence that something should be done.
"What Is Life" is one of a number of Harrison love songs that commentators recognise as possibly being directed at both a woman and a deity.