Yet the anchors and commentators maintained a relentlessly hysterical tone, an apocalyptic attitude far removed from the general public's.
The style is very different from that in the Panegyricus, and some commentators maintain that Pliny initiated a new genre: the letter written for publication.
Some commentators maintain that ECD uses only legal means, as opposed to illegal actions used by hacktivists.
But some commentators maintain there is only one plausible explanation for some of the quirky player choices he has made.
However, some commentators maintain that, in English law, unjust enrichment only ever triggers a personal remedy.
He owes that good fortune, political leaders and commentators maintain, less to an absence of evidence than to cold, hard political calculations.
Later commentators maintained that the Danes erected it.
Many previous commentators have maintained that within black America "the benefits of affirmative action fall to those least in need of them," generally college graduates.
Some cultural commentators maintain the country's mainstream film industry produces fantasy because, despite improvements, many Indians still live under conditions of extreme poverty.
Indeed, one commentator has maintained that the very success of the Schools Council may have hastened its downfall.