He prepares to commit suicide on television while commentators discuss Jews and cinema.
Many commentators have discussed how Santayana was psychologically damaged by his mother's initial desertion and the lack of concern shown him by both parents.
In the aftermath, commentators and academics discussed how Applewhite persuaded people to follow his commands, including suicide.
In 2006, before the midterm elections, some commentators discussed the possibility of Sanford running for president.
A superficial commentator might seize on Copland's remark and discuss the triumph of modernism in 20's America.
The commentators and judges discuss the style of cooking, culinary traditions and unusual food preparation.
Television cameras zoomed in on the four, and commentators discussed the unfolding allegations.
Other commentators discussed the film's representation of historical detail, especially the reversal of Winston Churchill's opposition to abdication.
But on Wednesday it was not history that the commentators were discussing most.
Some Jewish commentators discussed the portrayal of Israel and Israelis.