The audience and the commentators assumed, rather too quickly, that Zia would have no way to avoid the loss of a club trick and two heart tricks.
French pollsters as well as commentators had generally assumed that socialism had been largely discredited since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
In 2008, when Karadzic was captured having lived under a new identity as an alternative healer, many commentators assumed Mladic's arrest would follow within days.
It is as part of this force that some commentators assume Douglas and his company joined the battle.
Most commentators assume that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the issue of abortion will be returned to the states.
Many commentators assume that people willing to join extremist groups are irrational, motivated only by extreme hate or abstract ideas of rewards in the afterlife.
Five weeks ago, when the trial began, commentators were assuming history happened every minute.
So commentators had rather assumed that the bill would reflect current practice and the giving of an undertaking would trigger legal aid.
Many commentators have assumed that the play was written not long before that date.
Where most non-Theosophical commentators assume them to have been invented by Mme.