These soldiers were killed during the fight at Nasiriya, the commentary said.
"In these conditions, we cannot allow ourselves to suffer unilateral economic losses by freezing the operation," the commentary said.
The commentary said that if Wednesday's agreement leads to final peace, terms of political conflict will change.
"Even the birds didn't escape death," the commentary says as the camera shows the bodies of birds.
"He stole 40 years of life from 16 million people," the commentary said.
The commentary says the debates are between the Theravada and other schools, which it identifies in each case.
"One can question the Brezhnev leadership's assessment of the military threat," the commentary said.
"If this had happened in the 10 years of turmoil people would not have found it strange," the commentary said.
The commentary also says that Mary will be intimately linked with her Son's work of salvation.
Dhammapala's commentary on the Nettipakarana says "for there is no other criterion beyond a text."