Thompson's paper, unlike Miner's, primarily offered a social commentary focused on environmental issues.
Boats keep a respectful distance from these celebrity creatures, and the in-tour commentary focuses on conservation efforts and cultural information.
His commentaries focused on local and national current-affairs issues affecting the African-American community.
Other commentary focuses more on the sexual metaphors and undertones of the character.
This commentary often focuses on elucidating Rashi and introduces novel and innovative approaches to the text.
The book's commentary focuses on the "Jewish Idea" in general, particularly the concept of faith in God.
More recent commentary has focused on Duff's legal formalism and its effect on Canadian federalism.
While commentary focused on the Greenhouse flip-flop, from Whitman's perspective the question was where it left her leadership.
Her culinary commentary frequently focused on the overall taste of the dishes.
That was what the initial headlines and commentaries focused on, in part because it was one of the few concrete elements in the speech.