The comment about the car actually wins.
General Fogleman's blunt comments won cheers from many rank-and-file Air Force personnel but drew rebukes from senators and even some of the general's military lawyers who feared his statement might unduly influence a jury.
I've enjoyed your archives so far too, but your comment about John Irving in today's post has won me over completely He is one of my all-time favourite authors as well.
The comment won the town national attention: the conservative newspaper Le Figaro ran a cartoon of a priest and an imam cranking up the towers on their respective houses of worship, each trying to top the other.
This comment won attention from the press and was mentioned in the New York Times.
Laurence Urdang's comments on "politically correct" language reminded me of a television interview on a network morning program the day after "Dances With Wolves" won several Academy awards.
Still, Mr. Frank said that his current comments on liberalism had already won him a new set of critics among his own philosophical brethren.
These comments have angered many prominent Māori leaders, but won him considerable popularity with ordinary Māori voters, as well as with a large measure of non-Māori supporters.
Every month, the best comment will win £25 in National Book Tokens.
Described as an "old-fashioned" sitcom, it received positive comments from critics and Hart won the 2009 Royal Television Society award for comedy performance for her role in the first series.