Mr. Bush has steadfastly resisted any timetable, and his comments on Monday offered the first hint of how he might respond.
The upbeat comment offered a different assessment of Soviet-American relations than the one given in Moscow.
They make comments like 'so-and-so airline still offers hot towels,' as if I have any control over this.
This comment about youth echoes the hair-splitting Mr. Bennett has offered in many interviews.
In addition, comments made by an alternate juror who was excused yesterday offered insight into the jury's mind-set.
Although the king has repeatedly said he believes in an elected system of government, Mr. Pandey's comments offered the most specific timetable for elections.
His sarcastic comments offer a sharp critique of European conventions.
Today's comments by officials of China and Taiwan, while decidedly friendly in tone, offered no substantive change in either side's positions.
Mr. Bush's comments on homosexuals offer a prime example of how he is trying to be acceptable to the broad Republican electorate.
We have some comments to offer.