The comment hurt his pride, but Colin kept his hard-won calm.
Cashman was asked whether Strawberry's recent comments would hurt his chances of making the team.
Martin acknowledged that some golfers' comments have hurt him as much as his ailing leg.
Was it possible that Altan didn't realize how his cutting comments hurt Mylikki?
Such comments could hurt her credibility in certain circles.
When he examined his feelings, it was curious how little her comments really hurt.
At first, he didn't have an appreciation of how deep those comments hurt Chris.
"You walk a very thin line," Selig said when he was asked if his comments and disclosures about clubs' problems had hurt baseball.
Patiently he continued his work, curious as to why Ngen's flippant comment hurt him so.
Miss Colbert said the comment had hurt at the time, but agreed that it was funny.