His comment, delivered in a slightly pompous tone, made her laugh.
His comments, delivered with a French accent, might well convince the most conservative of wine-lovers that there is more to life than France and California.
His comments, delivered in the dry way of a pedagogue, brought Mullock over to listen.
Part of the trick of a successful television documentary is to make each comment delivered within it sound spontaneous: they are rarely anything of the sort.
In addition to the performances the CD includes comments delivered from the stage by Lady Bunny.
It was a comment of Emerson's, delivered in his usual ringing tones, that caught everyone's attention.
Officially, the governor's position is merely one of thousands of comments being delivered to the federal government on the plan.
I think that we see the complexity of this issue from the comments delivered here today.
His comment, delivered with a thin smile, seemed to suggest that Germany was among those the United States regarded as laggards.
It took me an extra second to register the bite in her next comment, delivered in that crystalline voice.