Pope responded to the comment again criticizing Sotto's stance on the Reproductive Health Bill.
In the same interview, he criticized then-presidential candidate and Senator Hillary Clinton (D) for her comments criticizing the war in Iraq.
He faced three specifications: one for missing movement, and two for "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman" related to his public comments criticizing the Bush administration and the war.
At a press conference the same day, according to Thompson, Moosally explained that his comments criticizing his crew had been taken out of context by the news media.
Has there been any comments criticizing this choice yet?
His comments criticizing Italy's immigration policy as "too generous" were denounced by President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
It has also led to a surge of low-amount donations to Wikimedia Deutschland, the German Wikimedia chapter, with comments criticizing the deletion decision.
My comment criticizing your slant did not appear Mr Lawrence?
But with so many comments criticizing the changes flooding the offices of lawmakers and the F.C.C., Mr. Powell's position had little political traction.
The speech stirred mild controversy, with some reacting favorably to Holder's comments and others sharply criticizing them.