This section lists the commencement orders yet to be applied to the whole Act.
Fifteen commencement orders have been made under section 153.
As a result of a commencement order.
Usually, an Act or part of an Act may only be brought into force by a commencement order if explicit provision is made.
The commencement order can be viewed here.
The eighth commencement order, made in November 2008, brought the remainder of the Act into force with effect from October 2009.
Commencement Orders are used to set the date on which an Act, or part of an Act, comes into force.
No other commencement orders have been made under the relevant powers, so this remains the only "Ministerial Order" in existence.
Commencement Orders bringing legislation that affects this Act into force:
The Minister for Justice signed the commencement order for the act on 23 December 2010.