Before this commencement day ends, graduating class of 2007, you will surely be asked to contribute to the alumni fund.
There is a dreamlike quality to every commencement day.
High-school commencement day came first.
These are friends from Yale, taken on commencement day.
- to send their young produce forth into the world on commencement day.
Many colleges and universities line up a stage full of high achievers on commencement day - actors, authors, government officials, business executives and, to be sure, scholars.
But laptops can be out of date by commencement day.
But look at the bright side: you have to live with the decision you're making only until commencement day.
In 1937, ground was broken on commencement day for Cowles Library, which is today the university's primary library.
Each year on commencement day, Harvard announces the results of annual elections to its Board of Overseers, the university's second highest governing body.