There were times when Cranston assumed the commanding force of The Shadow, without changing to his other character.
There was only one person in his life at the moment who rang bells with such commanding force.
James Earl Jones, "a commanding force on the stage for nearly half a century"
He's a commanding force now, despite Senator Branding and the opposition's best efforts to control him.
The words carried a commanding force.
However, all subsequent media sources revise this, so that he is in fact the true commanding force behind the Galactic Empire.
A popular movement called Sajudis has become a commanding political force, however, and has led the demand for an independent Lithuanian state.
The remote control is such a commanding force.
His arms crossed over his chest with a commanding force as he surveyed the crowd, which he controlled.
A number of alternations took place between the commanding forces in the Baramahal area.