The French commanders then directed troops into the town, and stationed 600 men in piazza Bra to monitor the situation.
The commander stationed troops in South Omaha to prevent more mobs from forming, and in North Omaha to protect the blacks.
The commander also stationed troops in South Omaha to prevent any more mobs from forming.
Nonetheless he continued as the de facto commander of Confederate troops stationed in and around Jasna Góra.
Instead, the regimental commander (Colonel Paul L. Freeman), stationed his infantrymen on lower ground around a tight perimeter about a mile in diameter.
There was a danger, of course a good commander might have mined the shoulder or stationed more troops in the dead ground beyond the slight incline.
In addition, the military commander stationed troops in South Omaha to prevent any more mobs from forming.
In 1874 he became commander of the X Corps stationed in Hannover.
In the other fork of the valley the commanders had stationed the army's supplies and creatures, including the sleeping makaar.
The OVA mentions him as the commander of the unit stationed at Londenion.