Their commanders mistakenly thought the French were in retreat and were rushing to catch their enemies before they could escape.
The German commander, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, rushed to Tanga.
After a long lunch with the visitors, the commander was running behind schedule, and was rushing to make up time.
The two commanders rushed to the fort to prevent further exchanges of gunfire before they completed the agreement.
The commander, as soon as it was safe to do so, rushed out of his guarded room to investigate.
Upon the slaughter of the Kaikaya prince, the commander of the Kaikaya division, Ugrakarman, rushed with speed and striking Prasena, Karna's son.
- - - A good commander does not rush ahead.
The commander of the base, Maj. Gen. Mikhail M. Bashkirov, rushed back from vacation Feb. 13.
American commanders are also rushing to get the Army's Fourth Infantry Division ready so at least some of its forces are available for the Baghdad battle.
The Indian commander rushed in, bowing.