Without any hope of conquering Korea, the Japanese commanders prepared to retreat.
As the commander stood up and prepared to dive off the edge of the bridge, the thief screamed "Red hair!"
A smart commander prepares contingency plans, in case of surprise developments.
The commander had not been able to communicate with Rakholt since their first contact and was preparing to send down a landing party.
When commanders should be preparing and recruiting for new fighting as spring nears, the movement has been struggling to regain popular support, he said.
With just minutes of fuel remaining, the commander spotted a saltpan near the coast and prepared the crew for an emergency landing.
But others who are close to the army leadership say that its commander is already preparing his exit.
Some commanders were preparing their forces for the eventual land offensive.
Press reports say the commanders have prepared a series of anti-fundamentalist measures that they want the Government to take.
Many officials and members of Congress have also questioned whether military commanders in the region adequately prepared for an attack like the one against the Cole.