The commander directed a final adjustment of the target settings, and then the picture switched to the two alien ships.
The French commanders then directed troops into the town, and stationed 600 men in piazza Bra to monitor the situation.
The commander of IX Corps will direct military operation.
At 9:49, the commander of NORAD directed all air sovereignty aircraft to battle stations, fully armed.
The commander directs all the activity of the crew from a platform to the left of the gun layer.
An example would be if a commander directed execution of civil action projects that fall outside his authority.
As the two wings closed on the Templars, the commander directed the whole of his force to meet the line of assault at its nearest leading edge.
The local commander directed him to intercept and alert us by whatever means available.
The commander then silently pointed to six uniformed men at attention, including Mac, and directed them inside to replace those who had left.
The French commander immediately directed Souham's 10 battalions to angle to their left and assault Reding's right flank.