American commanders claimed 800 enemy dead, but estimates quickly shrank to less than half that.
Another commander claimed" that the offense was "smoking nargilas and partying in a public place".
The Qing commander, Fuquan, claimed a victory,but he was discredited and retired.
A senior commander claimed "the order would have been to kill everybody and finish them off.
The commander claimed that "our forces were well prepared and gunned down cell after cell.
In early 2013 war erupted within the NDLF after 2 different commanders claimed to be leader.
In February 2013 civil war erupted within the group when 2 different commanders claimed to be leader.
American commanders claim to have killed hundreds of Mr. Sadr's fighters in the past weeks.
A situation that senior military commanders claim will not be easily changed.
The squadron's commander claimed its first aerial victory on 27 March 1918.