First, the Pakistan Army and intelligence services have captured more than 700 Qaeda terrorists and destroyed most of the group's command-and-control structure on our side of the border.
It's losing its command-and-control structure.
We're setting up a command-and-control structure that will allow for quick dissemination of new information.
"Large, centralized command-and-control structures were very much a 20th-century phenomenon, actually a throwback to medieval governing modalities," he said.
A zero-defects mentality exists when a command-and-control structure does not tolerate mistakes.
We have captured more than 600 Qaeda and Taliban terrorists and smashed Al Qaeda's command-and-control structures.
And already we will have exceeded the abilities of the command-and-control structures that Uhura and Sulu and Khiy have been designing.
If Taliban officers can still monitor radio traffic, it would indicate that their command-and-control structure remains intact, despite the bombing.
The Administration officials here said they were satisfied that the draft resolution made clear that the peacekeeping force of 50,000 would have a unified NATO command-and-control structure.
Furthermore, formal command-and-control structures are to a large degree illusory.