Several recent security and communications enhancements at the White House made it possible to use the situation room as a command-and-control center for the mission.
Boy-scout amateurishness, they claim, is on the way out; a professional command-and-control centre on the way in.
"Keep me posted," he said, and left the command-and-control center.
Chairman Wenceslas, your presence is needed in the command-and-control center.
He said the intended target was still the command-and-control centers of other nuclear powers.
Information taken from the site indicated it might be a command-and-control center for some larger operation.
Pentagon officials said the targets included command-and-control centers as well as telecommunications hubs.
The United States has said intelligence information showed that the shelter was a military command-and-control center.
There's a command-and-control center on the second floor.
"This ship is not a command-and-control center, and it's not making big decisions," Admiral Boorda said.