"The distance between two points does not get any shorter," said Colonel Pagonis, asserting that the logisticians in his command known as "loggies" are also warriors.
There are also other bots under ZZ's command, known only as "Battle Bots".
Riga is headquarters for the command, known as the Northwest Group.
She also had an elite guard of female warriors under her command known as the Witch-Women.
The air force has four commands known as zonal commands, each under the control of an air officer for command and administrative control.
In 1975 all aircraft of the Canadian Forces were placed under a new command known as Air Command.
Make your commands known within your own town.
Reins are used to give subtle commands or cues, also known as rein aids.
This means developing a set of commands and responses known as a protocol.
Generally considered clones of their leader, never worked without their leader's command, known to intrigue with Germans in order to keep or regain power.