In the future, the formation continued Colonel AE Grebennikov, assumed command of the regiment.
The new command eventually assumed operational responsibility over air and naval forces assigned in its area of operations.
The Iraqi high command had assumed the marshlands above Basra were natural barriers to attack, and had not reinforced them.
The command assumed responsibility for several existing organizations.
He was quickly promoted to Major General and on 1 January 1948 assumed the command of 10th Division.
Also, naval command assumed McVay's route would be safe at that point in the war.
The command assumed responsibility for providing sealift and ocean transportation for all military services as well as for other government agencies.
With this designation, the new command assumed the responsibility for directing the operation and defense of the GIG.
He was promoted to Major General in August 1961, and in September assumed command of the Division.
Hammond had often repeated the command: When you find a transmitter, check outside sight lines; assume visual surveillance.