He worried over "the coming retirement of your parents' very large generation" and called for "the world's first truly great, multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious democracy."
The money would help to build Social Security funds to pay for the coming retirement of aging baby boomers, would finance long-neglected social programs and would support corporate investment indirectly.
One of the greatest challenges facing our country is the coming retirement of more than 1 million baby-boomer teachers.
Early expectations that prosperity would allow this Congress to seize the moment and restructure the Medicare and Social Security programs to prepare for the coming retirement of the baby boom generation evaporated quickly.
President Clinton said the news, while welcome, should not divert the nation from taking whatever steps are necessary to make certain that Social Security can withstand the coming retirement of the 76 million strong baby boom generation.
For example, he maintains that the coming retirement of baby-boomers will put extraordinary pressure on how the country pays for Security Security.
In addition, the coming retirement of baby boomers may leave many companies short of qualified workers.
Melinda's headaches had started in the spring, and all that summer her doctor had been saying they were 'nervous-tension migraines,' perhaps caused by the stress of Hal's coming retirement.
With the coming retirement of the last generation of women who chose nursing simply because they didn't want to teach, things are likely to get only worse.
Social Security Solvency:In the face of the coming retirement of the baby boom generation, some are suggesting that we abandon .