There is also a subplot where an animal named Scrat makes many comical attempts to bury his beloved acorn.
My greatest pleasure was in hearing words sound, in watching them make all those comical attempts to convince me that they had meaning.
Rather similar are their sometimes comical attempts to understand the Lawrences' relationship using the modern therapeutic template of the marriage counselor ("It was his midlife crisis").
Although shocked by this, his comical attempts to be a "good dad" became a recurring theme for the character in subsequent episodes.
Many of its greeting cards and flash episodes center around Pucca's comical attempts to steal a kiss from Garu and the competition at times between the two characters.
After a few comical attempts by TWHE to strip her of the armor, she finally manages to remove it, only to put it back on again.
It's as clear a warning as we could take that this is an almost comical attempt to force both nature and human emotion into a linear, mechanistic vision.
When Bill Murane, a Denver lawyer, toured Japan last December, he said, he found "unfailingly courteous staff" but often comical attempts to cross the language barrier.
"I am not a thief," Quark said in a comical attempt at wounded dignity.
He makes several more dangerously balanced comical attempts, hitting the gout-bound man and his two female friends in the process.