Created in 1943, the comic-book character was inspired by a Cuban child, its creators said.
Suddenly, a costumed comic-book character appeared, complete with flowing cape and a big, red 'M' on his chest.
Suddenly, the comic-book character shouted what seemed to Ernie to be a very odd thing.
Finally, with great effort, Ernie was able to take a step towards the comic-book character, who was still seated on the sofa, reading his book.
An action-adventure drama series based on the fleet-footed comic-book character.
Nineteen is the age of being on the edge - you're young enough to appreciate comic-book characters and old enough to embrace literature.
Moore, who is 50, looks like a comic-book character.
It's tough to bring a comic-book character to movie life because the incestuous homage that comics pay to one another is so prevalent.
You will conduct yourself like a man and not a comic-book character in my presence.
"The most exciting thing to me is that a comic-book character and a human can exist together in a photograph," Ms. Simmons said.