Whatever the nomenclature, Blackmark is a 119-page story of comic-book art, with captions and word balloons, published in a traditional book format.
The hand turns the page again, and a collage of the people involved in the production is revealed that looks like comic-book art.
Is it comic-book art?
The museum also has weekend classes (for children up to age 12) on painting animals in art, interacting with color, forms and constructions, and comic-book art.
Kweskin did well on a sample story, and continued to freelance comic-book art for the company from back home in Chicago.
But his passion for comic books and comic-book art never left him.
The faces they painted were usually poor facsimiles of comic-book art.
They were talking in her Manhattan office, a cluttered warren of comic-book art, comic-character figurines and toasters from the 1930's and 40's.
In his small apartment, intellectual and hip touches vie for attention: there's the microscope he used in "Pi," an old stereo he's repairing, original comic-book art on the walls.
It is not at all surprising anymore to walk into MoMA and see comic-book art or to go into a museum and see other popular media.