The double, far more outgoing and uninhibited than the original, begins to dominate the relationship, as "Doppelgänger" evolves into a Jekyll-and-Hyde story with a sharply comic undertone.
What lends the movie a comic undertone is how everyday many of these swingers are.
Certainly it was reverential, but with comic undertones, as if refusing to allow that reverence to puff up into piety.
The second and fourth stories have comic undertones.
Some episodes involve days out, celebrations and festivals, and these all have the same comic undertone.
Often there is even a comic undertone - audiences have come to expect this.
Each had comic undertones - even when dealing with serious subjects - such as the Money or the Gun episode dealing with kids cancer sufferers.
With an intricate plot and allusive style, he explores contrasting themes of alienation and belonging, poverty and wealth, love and loss, with often comic undertones.
But "Johnny 100 Pesos" works best as a smart thriller with dark comic undertones.
The twinkle in Lilith's eyes told Rachel that she was well aware of the comic undertones of the scene.