Miles's efforts to sophisticate him provide Mr. Church with rich comic fodder.
The city's giant budget gap is often his favorite comic fodder.
The early '60s were good comic fodder.
Was I turning myself into comic fodder?
She finds comic fodder not only in her present personal life, but in her professional life in Hollywood as well.
These icons are not used to solve any puzzles; instead, they merely serve as comic fodder for the game's humor.
Largely inspired by this meteoric rise, this good-naturedly blokeish medley is his strongest comic fodder yet.
Ms. Sheinkin displays remarkable ingenuity in exploiting the structure dictated by the rules for comic fodder.
Bad science, fundamentalists and quacks are all comic fodder for Robin Ince.
In fact, God gets a rather easy ride: the bad science of tabloids, fundamentalists, quacks and climate-change sceptics provides richer comic fodder.